Here are some local and national services specialising in intimate partner violence:
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline
The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline can provide emotional support and practical information for adults affected by domestic abuse. It works with victims to empower them to make decisions regarding their relationship, irrespective of whether they wish to leave or not.
0800 731 0055
Reducing the Risk
Reducing the Risk is a domestic abuse charity based in Oxfordshire. We work with partner organisations to provide services for affected adults and children.
Emotional and practical support for LGBT people experiencing domestic abuse.
0800 999 5428
Men’s Advice Line
Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
Freephone 0808 8010327
A free legal advice group for victims of domestic violence. They offer free family law legal advice appointments to enable people who have experienced domestic abuse to make informed decisions to safely leave the abuse behind.
01635 015 854
Respect Phoneline
Choose to stop: a phoneline for perpetrators or for concerned friends and family of perpetrators.
0808 8024040